
How to organize your life and wake up early
How to organize your life and wake up early

how to organize your life and wake up early

I knew that I had to come up with a new plan if I wanted to regain control of everything I had to get done. Having my children at home for such a long period of time was making it very difficult for me to get any work done and I was starting to feel overwhelmed. The last time we were told this, they ended up extending the break for the rest of the school year! Obviously, I started to panic. My 4 children were all home for two weeks during the Winter Break and then we were told that the break would be extending for another week or two.

how to organize your life and wake up early

routine until we had another Covid lockdown. In Clear the Clutter, I share all of the strategies that I use in order to make it easier for me to wake up early. turned out to be quite beneficial and though it was a little difficult at first, it got easier overtime. I highly recommend that you read this book if you want to get a good understanding of the benefits of sleeping and waking up early. I am not a morning person, but since my kids are early risers, I had to train myself to wake up early.Ī little while back I came across Robin Sharma’s book, The 5AM Club and was inspired to start waking up a little earlier - 5 a.m. Prior to having children, I would usually hit snooze on my alarm clock multiple times and often found myself scrambling in the morning. My kids are usually up around 6:30 a.m., so I would wake up around 6 a.m. I've been asked a lot of questions about this and decided to write a blog post that answers those questions.Īfter having children, I quickly learned the necessity of waking up before them in order to get organized and be ready to start the day on the right foot.

how to organize your life and wake up early

If you follow me on Instagram, then you'll know that my husband Kiran and I have been waking up at 3 a.m. UPDATE: I've moved my wakeup time to 4:30 a.m.

How to organize your life and wake up early